National Brain Tumor Society (NBTS) recently announced that Johannes Gojo, MD, PhD, of the Medical University of Vienna (Medizinischen Universität Wien), is the recipient of the first-ever CERN PFA Ependymoma Translational Research Award. Dr. Gojo will lead a renowned, interdisciplinary team of pediatric brain cancer experts on a project titled “Targeting DNA damage response to eradicate ependymoma persister cells (DEEpend).” With the overall aim of translating promising research into the clinic for a particularly aggressive type of pediatric brain tumor, the group will receive $450,000 over three years.
“With great intentionality, we launched this grant because of the clear, unmet need for research in posterior fossa ependymoma (PFA), an underserved cancer that is devastating for the children and families in our community,” said Kimberly Wallgren, executive director of the CERN Foundation, a program of the National Brain Tumor Society. “PFA ependymoma is a difficult disease to research, and there are few laboratories or life science companies dedicated to this tumor type. Our hope with this award is to accelerate scientific findings through Dr. Gojo’s translational research plan and to further stimulate additional and subsequent efforts to change the outcome for children diagnosed with this disease.”